Grace Mawan

Nationality : Sudanese

SEX : Female

HEIGHT : 5"9

BURST : 31

WAIST : 25

Grace Mawan, a South Sudanese residing in Uganda for the past 14 years, is currently in her first year second semester of pursuing a bachelor’s degree in architecture at the International University of East Africa. Her career aspirations encompass becoming a respected architect and a professional model within the next five years.

Grace is passionateabout art and music, particularly drawing and painting the human figure and singing. Success, for her, entails achieving both her career and artistic ambitions. With measurements of bust 31″, waist 25″, and height 5’9″, her proudest accomplishment to date is securing the titles of 2nd runner-up and top model in the Mr. and Ms. International University of East Africa pageant held last year, where she was the sole recipient of two awards in the same event.


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